Tuesday, September 4, 2018


June 25, 2018

Well this week turned out to be alright. Not a lot of stuff happened. We have been pretty dry with investigators so most of the time for now we are just contacting. But two things happened this week that turned out to be some highlights:

1. So the 30th of this month is President Amato´s Birthday. So this last District meeting we did some videos to put together a bigger video for him. Every week President Amato puts together a weekly video and we all watch it during the district meeting so we did something like that for him. I don´t have a copy of it yet but it all is in Spanish so I don´t know if you guys would understand.

2. This last Saturday we did the first ward mission night that the ward hasn't had in a long time apparently. But what we did was we tried to make a flight simulation and pretty much in the end everybody ends up dying except for one person. Pretty much the point of the message is that we should value and read the scriptures more. But I think the miracle for that was that 4 new potential investigators came to the activity and we were able to take out some of their information and an appointment to visit with them. 

Well as you can tell we had an alright week. We contacted a ton, got no results from it but the Lord still blessed us with more and more people from efforts that we didn't think would produce anything. Once again that just goes to show that as long as we put in the effort to work the Lord will bless us in the end. 

Love you all,