Tuesday, September 4, 2018


June 18, 2018

Well this week was very faith building So let´s get started:

Well this week was actually very interesting. Because we don´t have any investigators right now pretty much all we did this week was contact and contact and contact some more. There was like 3 days where all of the plans were just contact. But all of the results were the same. We didn't find anyone. But we were persistent so we contacted and on Friday the miracles began to come. We received a reference that came from Italy around 4 in the morning which woke us up. So we didn't think much of it until we were on our way to the temple and we got a call from a weird set of numbers. I answered it and there was a missionary from the mission office in Italy on the other line speaking really bad Spanish. We eventually started speaking English and he told me a bit more about the reference. So after we got back we found the reference and started to talk to her. She really wants to attend church and have us visit her. So this last Sunday we took her to church and once again the Young Women swept in and befriended her super fast. 

Another miracle that happened was on Sunday during lunch, we had lunch with a returned missionary and her family which in that moment consisted of her, her mom, her brother and his wife, and her niece. During that lunch both Elder Serrano and I felt like we needed to ask if everyone in that room were members. Eventually after we had eaten and everything we asked who were members and we found out that the brother´s wife was not a member. We went full missionary mode and started to find out why she hadn't been baptized yet. She said that the missionaries had always showed up when she felt lonely or sad so she had no idea why she hadn't been baptized yet (Her words). We also found out that she wasn't married to her husband and so we went little by little and put a baptismal date on her. Then we asked them what would hold them back to being married and then the husband took over and said a bunch of reasons why they hadn't been baptized until then but he said that they would need to talk about it. So then we took out another date for when we could visit them and I asked them if they could have an answer if they would get married and he said that they would have an answer and he said that it most likely would be a good answer. 

Well this week really really tough. Like I said we just contacted and contacted and contacted some more. We were doing all of the focuses of the mission and we weren't seeing any results. One of the promises of one of the focuses is that we would find the quadruple amount of investigators. But we weren't seeing that. But because we stayed persistent the Lords hand came upon us and we found two Escogidos whom we are certain will be getting baptized. 

miss you all,
 Last p-day we went to a park and we found this. Probably the best part of the p-day. ​

 The panoramic is my study room. We went to the temple this last Friday with some converts. Unfortunately they couldn't stay for the pictures.