Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Transfers (again)

June 11, 2018

Well this week was pretty awesome. We had a lot of stuff happen:

1. Well this last Monday I was with my companion, Elder Mayhua, and during the night we got a call from Elder David (assistant) and he said that we actually did have transfers and that Elder Mayhua was leaving to Santa Anita and that I was going to receive a new companion. So right now I have a new companion and his name is Elder Serrano. He is from Venezuela and he has a little more than 4 months in the mission. For having so little time in the mission he definitely knows a lot and we are going to be blowing up this area. 

2. So right now, due to missionaries going home on weird times, there are 3 assistants to president in the mission. And right now one of them have the assignment to be a traveling assistant. and what they pretty much do is go to an area and work with those missionaries and to train them. Well this last Friday Elder Erickson came to our area and we seriously blew up the area. My companion and I are super excited to be working like how Elder Erickson showed us and we are definitely going to continue like that and find more and more people. 

Well this week was pretty awesome and I am super excited for this transfer and the next one. Right now our goal for baptism for this month is 2 and our pre-goal for July is 6. But this week President wanted us all to see the devotional that President Nelson did with his wife for the youth. To be honest President Nelson is super awesome and that devotional was super inspirational. If you didn't get the chance to watch it I would recommend that you take the time this week to watch it. But for those of you who did get to watch the devotional President Nelson invited all of the youth to do 5 things:

1. do a 7 day fast from social media
2. do a weekly sacrifice to give time to the lord
3. Do a thorough life assessment (stay on the covenant path)
4. Pray daily for ALL to receive the blessings of the gospel
5. Stand out. Be different. Be a light.

I have already been talking to some of the youth in my ward here in Peru and those who are actually doing it right now are telling me about all of the experiences that they are having. If you are doing these things I would love to hear about all of the experiences that you are having.

love you all,