Well This week was pretty good. Let me start with my highlights:
1. Well if you all didn't know, this week was my birthday and my companion
and our pension tried to surprise me with a surprise birthday party. Well let`s just say I found out about it like 2 hours before it actually
happened and then our zone had a short little birthday party (only
cake) for everyone who had a birthday this month. And again I found out
about it before it happened again.
2. We've been teaching
this one girl in our area (she is about 10) but she is super
anti-social. There really is no way to get her to talk to us. We would
ask her if she wanted to hear our message but she literally would say
no and walk right out of the room. Well her mom saw me playing the piano
last week in church and asked me if I could give her lessons. I said
that I could, but later before the lesson we talked and I had this
amazing idea to make a deal with her. I told her I could teach her piano
but she had to take our lessons. She literally had to think about it
for about 7 minutes before she said yes. It truly was awesome.
3. We had cambios last night and Elder Salazar is going to leave our area tomorrow.
But my new companion`s name is Elder Alegre. None of my roommates know him
and all I have seen is a picture of him. Let me just say he is a big
boy. Height and size. I think that this cambio is going to be
interesting. Pero Vamos a ver.
Ok so about
halfway through my first cambio in the field we had this investigator
who literally disappeared. We couldn't find him. We couldn't get a hold
of him on his phone. Nada. But last night Elder Salazar wanted to go
back to his house to see if he came back from the dead. And he did. His
name is Daniel and he said that he went to go work in a different part
of Lima for a certain amount of time and he was living with his girlfriend at the time (
But we had a lesson with him and he said that he really wanted to hear
what we had to say. And apparently he has a ton of free time now. But I
think that the best part about this lesson was what I realized. Like I
said we only met with him up until the middle of my first transfer here
and the comparison to now is completely different. I almost took over
that lesson and I could actually understand him. I could actually
communicate with him. I think the time that I have had with Elder
Salazar has really improved me. Not just with my language, but as a
missionary, or ideas about the bible. Everything has changed. And I will
never forget my companion, my "papi," my trainer, and my friend Elder
Salazar. I will see you around bro.
I miss you all so much and love you just as equally,
Elder Garbett
(scroll to the bottom for a video he sent)
Birthday Pics
Video: Grandilla