Friday, April 21, 2017

Emergency transfers!!!!!!!!!!

March 27, 2017

Well as you can probably tell by the title this week was pretty hectic. let me start with the cool stuff:

1. We had emergency transfers in week 3 of this transfer so now I´m with a completely new companion and a completely new area. My new companion´s name is Elder Pereira. He´s soo awesome. I learn so much from him everyday. 
2. We had a baptism this last Saturday and we baptized this 10 year old kid named Benjamin. Apparently he has been waiting for about a month to be baptized. But we received permission from president this week to baptize him. It was sooo amazing to see how prepared he was. I think there is something up with me and kids. Because he is the second kid of the three people that I have baptized. If that´s all my mission will be then bring it. I love teaching kids. 
3. Our pension here is soo crazy. As a pension, she is pretty good but her and her husband I think are a little bit on the crazy side. I get so uncomfortable around them because they talk so fast and I can´t understand a thing. And then they get on me about that because I have 5 months in the field and I know "nothing" about Spanish. It gets a little annoying sometimes but I have learned to just eat and not say anything and for some reason it works! 

Ok so last Monday We were sitting around and I was writing in my journal when my old companion received a call from the zone leaders. When I found out it was the zone leaders I thought we were going to have splits. But then Elder Alegre told me that our leaders wanted to talk to me. That´s when things got a little iffy.  So I took the phone and they pretty much told me that I was leaving Vitarte and going to a new Zone; an Emergency transfer. Well about 3 hours after that I was all done packing and went to bed. Then we had to go to the office and that´s where I met my new companion Elder Pereira. He is so amazing! But the thing is that I think that he will leave this transfer which means I only have two more weeks to learn the new area and lead it after this transfer. I will say that I am a little stressed but I know that I can get this area down because it is so small. 
I miss you all and love you tons,
Elder Garbett
Benjamin's Baptism with Elder Pereira


Random Pics of Rowan