Well this week was pretty good. Let´s start with some short stuff:
1. We had a weekly planning session this week but for this week we had it
in our zone. But it was more like we had breakfast together, did the
planning in our companionship's and then did a zone inventory at the end.
I´ll just say that it was interesting but I will also say that I hope
we don´t do that again. Personally I´ll say that I thought it was a
waste of time.
2. One of our zone leaders
finished his mission this week. SO everything that we did together as a
Zone was pretty emotional for him. But in our Zone inventory he asked me
to play my ´´famous´´ version of Secrets by One Republic. But this time
I sang it which he never heard before and by the end of the song he
was crying. There are power in these vocal cords!
3. We had a baptism this week. His name is André, he is 9 years old and he has a personality.
is super awesome and really from his first prayer we knew that he would
be baptized. As he said ´´... and please heavenly father, bless me that
I may become a mormon.´´ super funny but he was super happy that he
could actually take this step in his life. But he kinda wore me out.
Every single time we went to teach him he asked me for a magic trick
each time. Sometimes I made it up as I went but somehow I did it.
4. This morning we climbed the giant hill in our area with the abandoned
house. It was super awesome. It took us about an hour and a half to
climb it and about 5 minutes to go down.
we received the transfers yesterday and I am going to stay here in my
area for another 9 weeks. This transfer is 9 weeks because on the 30th
of this month our new president, President Amato, will come and our
other president, President Boswell, will return home. Really I am
excited to continue the work here in Santa Patricia. I have learned tons
and I am going to work hard to make sure that we find the people that
the Lord is preparing.
I miss you all tons,
Elder Garbett