Well I keep wondering if the miracles will ever stop. But I really like them so here they are:
Well first off we had a returned missionary call us the other day. And
she told us that she needed us to give a blessing. apparently there is
this family in our area that she is nannying and the baby has some sort
of sickness or disease or whatever you want to call it. but the point
is that the baby is almost 2 years old and has a problem developing fast
enough. We were told that the baby was really sensitive and doesn't
like random people touching him so we had no idea how we were going to
do the blessing. But as we began to give the blessing the baby calmed
down and pretty much accepted our giant hands on his tiny head. It was
super spiritual and the Family ended up accepting our message and we are
going to continue working with them.
2. One
day (I think it was last Saturday) we received a reference from Temple
square. (we only knew it was from them because it was super official and
in English) But about a hour later we received a phone call from a
sister missionary from there and it was kinda funny because my companion
tried to communicate with her but ended up passing the phone to me
because he couldn't understand her gringo Spanish. but pretty much what
she told us was that we needed to call this reference right there and
then. So we called and set up an appointment and found out that she
really wants to learn more about us. Super!
this week was pretty much full of miracles. After we baptized the last
family we pretty much had nobody to work with. We have been looking and
looking and looking for somebody. Pretty much it was if we couldn't
find anybody this week we probably weren't going to baptize this month
here in my ward. But as we do what we need to do the Lord will fill in
the rest. And this is exactly what happened yesterday. We were walking
by one part of our area and my companion decided that we should go look
for old investigators. and thinking of the area I thought of one that
Elder Martin and I dropped about 2 transfers ago. Pretty much she was
super close to being baptized. The only thing was that she was living
with her husband who she divorced. But we dropped by and shared a
message with her. Well we found out that all of her problems (i.e her
husband) had gone away and she and her child were ready to be baptized.
So we put a date on her and she is just ready to do everything she
needs to do to prepare herself. Really this was a testimony builder to
me because like I said when we do what we need to do the Lord will fill
in the rest.
I miss you all tons,
Elder Garbett