Tuesday, August 7, 2018

End of transfer

March 10, 2018

Well another one has come and gone. I don´t really have much to say because we have been in the office for most of the week. But like the title says this week was the last week of the transfer. So that means that we are on overdrive here in the office. We mainly have been spending a lot of time here setting up meetings for the people who are going home, fixing things for the next transfer, and getting things ready for the new missionaries that are coming in. And this group is going to be a huge group. Actually these next two groups are going to be big. Next week we are going to receive 17 missionaries and then the next transfer we are going to be receiving 20 new missionaries. But even through everything that has been going on we have been able to get a lot of good time into proselyting.

I´m not sure if I have said this before in my past emails but about 2 transfers ago our pension couldn't be our pension because they didn't have the time to do it. So ever since then we have been without a pension and we got permission from president to set up appointments with members to eat dinner with them every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. And during that time we take the opportunity to find references from the members. This last Monday we were assigned to eat with the Rebaza family (who are going to become mission presidents in the Trujillo south mission). And there they invited a neighbor who had listened to the missionaries before. So we took out a lesson to meet with her and last night we were able to meet with her. That lesson was so amazing. We were on splits at the time (My companion was at the hospital helping the health secretary with other missionaries) and I had completely forgotten about it. So when I was reminded and we showed up I had no idea what we were going to teach. But during the prayer I had an impression to teach about the Book of Mormon. So we started to teach about it and she got super excited about it. We found out that the missionaries before didn't give her a Book of Mormon before (which I was all like WHAAAAAAAAAA????????) and so we gave her one and she was super excited to start to read it. I really feel like she is going to progress and it was just super amazing to see her looking at the book just wanting to open it and start reading it. 

Miss you all tons,
Elder Garbett