Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Last Week in office (Maybe)

 April 21, 2018

Well this week was amazing:

1. Well Like you all know I have been training someone to replace me here in the Office. I've only had two weeks to train him and so what my plan was was to tell him everything and take the lead in everything the first week and then to switch roles. So this week I have pretty much been doing nothing except being the odd one who just does everything else that the office needs him to do. So pretty much during the week everyone who knows me pretty well has been telling me that I look more happy and stressed out. (Why do you think!?!?!) But at the same time I guess I probably could have done better about how I looked before I received my replacement.

2. So this week we did the final interviews of the transfer in Central. It was most likely by far the best zone that we had done this transfer. But while we were there we found that one of the companionship's had a board game in their room. And guess what it was... THE SETTLERS OF CATAN!!!!!! Now missionaries are not allowed to have board games in their room so we called them up and asked them whose it was. And they told us that they had no idea whose it was so then we took it to the office. So guess what board game we played today for p-day. THATS RIGHT!

Well this week was super awesome. Yesterday we had the self reliance training for missionaries who have 6 months left in the mission. And so that meant that I went! It was super amazing to be in there. It was funny though because right when we started the guy who was running the whole show told us to stop thinking about our investigators, converts, and our responsibilities because that day we were only supposed to think about ourselves and our future. Right after he said that a bunch of missionaries were like stunned because like that is what they have been doing for the past year; year and a half, Whereas for me I had someone else who was doing everything so I didn't have to worry about that. 😜  But really that time was amazing. We were all able to make plans and have ideas for our future and now I am not that lost anymore about what I am going to do.

love you all,
Elder Garbett

P.S. End of transfers are this week. President hasn't told me anything yet but it is very possible that I leave the office this next Tuesday. So if I don´t write this next Saturday it means that I got out of the office and that I will write next Monday.